How to Get Your Picky Eater to Try New Foods 
WITHOUT Bribing, Meal Time Battles, or Forcing Them to Take a Bite
Let Me Guess...

You feel bad for constantly bribing your child to eat their meal?
You’re tired of the battles at kitchen table?
You wish you didn’t have to keep asking “just take one bite”?
You want to STOP being a short order cook & just make ONE meal?

Imagine laughing and having fun with your family around the dinner table (and no longer fighting your child to eat ‘one more bite’.)

Imagine cooking ONE meal that the entire family enjoys. (Bye bye short order cooking!)

Imagine watching your child’s palate expand and adding more variety to their list. (Less pickiness and no turned up noses about vegetables).

Imagine becoming a parent who is confident about how to feed a picky eater and help their child learn to try new foods. (See ya later mom guilt, dad guilt, and extra stress).

Thriving Little Eaters
A program for parents who want their picky eaters to eat a wider variety of foods without the stress.

Thriving Little Eaters is a 8-week program (or more) depending on whether you are a go-getter or want to take it slow and steady. Each week of materials includes audios, Fun with Food activities, and optional worksheets to build your skills.

Here’s What You'll Learn

We pull back the curtains, so that you can (finally!) understand WHY your child is a picky eater, so that you can let go of the guilt that has been following you around at mealtimes. You will review different parenting styles in relation to feeding and learn which one is optimal in supporting your picky eater. You will also become clear on what the roles and responsibilities your child has when it comes to feeding.

Learn about the roles and responsibilities that you as a parent has when it comes to feeding. You will also learn how you can serve ONE meal to your entire family so that you can ditch the stress of short order cooking.

Learn how to adopt a ‘feeding mindset’ that so that you can reframe your mindset as a parent around feeding and help your kids to do the same. You will also examine feeding as a sensory experience and how you can integrate play to make feeding more enjoyable.

Learn different therapeutic techniques (that are FUN!) to meet your child where they’re at, so that they can go from eating one food to another (or many!) These techniques are known to move the needle on picky eating faster than any other technique for helping a child add foods to their diet.

Say goodbye to picky eating...

Exactly What You Get When You Join
Thriving Little Eaters
  • Program Content: 20+ audio recordings delivered via online platform and released as you complete each module. Work at your own pace, and with the structure and support of the program to keep you moving forward. Families choose their own pace from 4 weeks and beyond. 
  • Fun with Food Activities: Four Fun with Food Activity Guides that will give you some structure and ideas to help move your child from not even wanting to look at a food to asking for a bite of a food. These plans are intended to be customizable for ages 0-10 so that you can do what is working for your child right now. 
  • Worksheets: Worksheets help to summarize key points of the audio trainings and are used for easy reference, reflection, and to help you formulate a game plan for your child.
  • Email Support Series: You will receive a series of emails that are designed to help you to stay on track and give you encouragement and grace when needed. 
  • Community: Get access to a supportive community of parents via the private Facebook Group. In this space parents ask questions, get feedback, and share resources without judgement. These parents KNOW what you're going through! 
  • Q&A Calls: Four weekly Q&A calls with Children’s Holistic Nutritionist and Picky Eating Expert Hollie Chavarria. Attend these calls to get your questions your answered. If you can’t make it – don’t worry – you can always submit your question ahead of time and watch the recording.
  • Four Months Access to Content Hub & FB Group: You have four months to access the program in the membership site (aka Content Hub) and the private Facebook group. This means if something comes up (ie pandemic) or a partner needs more time, you have the time you need. Or if you don't have an issue now, but you do in the future, you can review the module that can help you within a four month period. 

Say Goodbye to picky eating and hello to possibilities

Here's what Parents are saying...

The Thriving Little Eaters program has been a real game changer for our family.
I was going through a TOUGH time during meals for my 4-year-old when a friend shared Hollie's IG story with me. I signed up for her program that night and the first class blew my mind!
I learned a different way to approach meal times and it instantly took away the stress.
We still have our ups and downs, but we've made so much progress over the last six months!
- Jessie L.
I took Thriving Little Eaters with Hollie and started implementing a lot of her strategies. 
I'd say that the most important one was making ONE meal for our family.
It took a lot of will power to not give into my daughter's demands for pizza for every dinner but as she soon realized that we were all having the same meal, which was not going to be pizza, she slowly and surely started to join in, one bite at a time.
There is peace during dinner time, and I'm slowly introducing her to more and more food items, adding to her comfort food list.
Kendra D.

Hi I'm Hollie!

I'm a Children’s Holistic Nutritionist & 
Picky Eating Expert.

When I was a new mom, I was overwhelmed by the responsibility of nourishing and feeding a tiny human. I was worried that my baby wasn’t getting enough protein, iron, or calcium, and I started to realize how much effort can go into nourishing a child.

As it turns out, feeding little ones can be super stressful!

When my baby was 6 months old (and starting solids), I decided to go back to school and study nutrition. I learned A LOT, but most importantly I gained the confidence that I knew how to nourish my daughter and provide her with a nutritional foundation that she can thrive on. 
(Bye-bye mom guilt!)

Since then I have helped countless families let go of 
meal time stress and get their children eating new foods (at their own pace). 

I am so excited to help you do the same.
I know how hard feeding kids can be!

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What ages is Thriving Little Eaters for? 
  • The program is designed for children ages 0-10. Parenting principles are taught that can be applied from weaning through older ages. Specifics about weaning - such as Baby Led Weaning or Puree-feeding - are not discussed in depth.
  • What if my partner is not onboard? 
  • ​I encourage families to have all parents watch the modules. They are short, bite-sized, and very convenient to listen to or watch. Thriving Little Eaters works best when parents both have a good understanding. Many modules can be implemented in small steps so that all parents can get onboard as they are ready. If one parent insists on forcing bites with no room for trying other strategies, then this program isn't the best fit.  
  • How much time does the program take?
  • ​The audio recordings are 10-20 minutes each. I suggest doing about 3 per week if you want to finish in 4 weeks. Optional workbook activities can take 10-20 minutes. I strongly recommend daily Fun with Food Activities that can be incorporated into normal activities you would be doing with your child, but they can also take 15ish minutes per day.
  • If you feel like you are extremely busy to your max and cannot add a single new thing to your plate right now, it's probably best to wait for another session. In order to change picky eating, you will need some time/energy to work on it.
  • This program is focused on doing things to bring change at home, so make sure you're in a place where you are ready to do things.
  • Are there meal plans and recipes?
  • ​Thriving Little Eaters is all about you teaching your child to eat the foods that are available to you. It does not use specific recipes, but instead teaches you to meet your child where they are at so that they can learn to branch out from there.
  • Does Thriving Little Eaters treat medical conditions? 
  • ​No, Thriving Little Eaters does not diagnose or treat any medical conditions.
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